Spur Festival 2017

Monday, Apr 03 07:35 AM

National festival of politics, art and ideas. Scholars, artists and activists explore geopolitics, environment, economics, health, culture and more through debates, films, readings and performances. In and around the Yorkville and U of T neighbourhoods. $10-$20, festival pass $75-$100, some events free.

Risk And Geopolitics: Masha Gessen and Anna Maria Tremonti discuss the geopolitical shift brought on by Russia and the Trump administration, April 9 at 3 pm, at Innis Town Hall.

Risk And The EconomyDr. John Coates and Sheelah Kolhatkar in conversation with Dr. Dilip Soman on the human factors that influence our understanding of economics, April 9 at 12:30 pm, at the OISE Auditorium.

Risk And Journalism: NOW Magazine’s Susan Cole moderates as Daniel Dale,Vicky Mochama and Catherine Wallace discuss the changing journalistic landscape in the face of new media hostilities, April 9 at 10:30 am, in the OISE Auditorium

Films That Spur – Durcan: Dark School: Director Alan Gilsenan examines the life of Irish poet Paul Durcan and the events that lead to Durcan’s status as one of Ireland’s preeminent poets. Followed by a talk-back session with the director, April 8 at 4:30 pm, at Innis Town Hall.

Films That Spur – A Vision: A Life Of W.B. YeatsAlan Gilsenan takes us on a journey through Yeats’s life in the poet’s own words. Followed by a talk-back session with Mary NoonanAdam Crothers, and Charles Foran, April 8 at 6:30 pm, at Innis Town Hall.

Risk And The Environment: Alanna MitchellDavid McGown and Amber Silver discuss the science, economics and policy implications of our changing global climate. April 8 at 2 pm, at the Gardiner Museum.

Risk And HealthDr. Sacha BhatiaNeil Fraser and CBC’s Kelly Crowe discuss the changing nature of medical care in the 21st century and ask: will technology save us? April 8 at noon, at the Gardiner Museum.

Spur Toronto is supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, RBC Foundation, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Bickell Foundation Wawanesa Insurance and NOW Magazine.

Risk And The Psychology Of Collecting: What can the art world tell us about economics, behaviour and how we mitigate risk in such a volatile market like the contemporary collecting landscape? Don Thompson and David Moos sit down with Helen Walsh, April 8 at 10 am, at the Gardiner Museum.

Spur Presents A Night Of Irish Music And Poetry: Storytelling, poetry, music and drink with poets Adam CrothersCharles ForanMary Noonan and Catherine Graham & musicians Deb Quigley and Patrick Ourceau, April 7 at 8 pm, at Heliconian Hall.

Books That SpurDenham Jolly on In The Black, My Life: A chronicle that uses Jolly’s own life as a lens through which to examine the challenges that Black Canadians face. April 7 at 5:30 pm at the Yorkville Public Library, free admission.

Books That SpurTom Nichols on The Death Of Expertise: Speaking about the death of the expert in public and political discourse. April 7 at noon, at Heliconian Hall.

Books That SpurLynne Olson on Last Hope Island: America’s preeminent WWII historian discusses her latest book. Copies of the book available. April 6 at 5:30 pm, at the George Ignatieff Theatre.


Source : Nowtoronto

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