Oct 28, 2023 08:00 PM - Oct 29, 2023 02:00 AM
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Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
Join us for a spook-tacular night of frightful fun at our Annual Halloween Costume Party in New York City on October 28th!
Get ready to show off your best Halloween costumes and dance the night away with our DJ spinning spooky tunes all night long. Our venue will be decked out in hauntingly delightful decorations and we'll have plenty of Halloween treats and drinks to keep the party going.
The party starts at 8 pm and lasts until 2 am. We'll have a costume contest with prizes for the best individual and group costumes, so make sure to bring your A-game!
Don't miss out on the Halloween party of the year. Get your tickets now and join us for a night of spooky fun in the heart of New York City.
New York's Best Halloween Parties