Jun 09, 2023 10:30 PM - Jun 10, 2023 03:00 AM
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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Enjoy our sexy intimate party vibe with heavy club speaker sounds bumping big tunes all night.
Celebrate your birthday or special event with us and enjoy the convenience of our pre-party experience with diner and dancing (R.S.V.P. required)
Music by DJ LB (@realdjlb) spinning the best of the best live in the mix
Reggae | Dancehall | Afrobeat | R&B | Hip Hop | Soca | Old school | and more
Located at 791 Bovaird Drive West (by Chinguacousy Rd)
No Cover | Free Parking | Drink specials | Bottle service | Kitchen Open Late