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Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020

Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020

Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020 Jul 08, 2020 07:00 PM - Jul 08, 2020 08:30 PM


Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020 By
Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020 Virtual event

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Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020

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Artists Finding Their Way Through COVID-19 2020 Description

Weekly virtual connection opportunity creating space for artists to share how they are navigating social distancing/loss of income

Join Athena Project as we highlight the work of an artist each week who has been able to shift her business to still engage with the community and possibly even pay her bills. Then, we shift the conversation to the reality of how hard this all is to cope with. While this is not an official mental health support group, Athena Project wishes to create space for artists to empathize with each other and share resources. This space is meant to give folks a chance to vent and connect while also getting to know artists in our community. And perhaps by sharing in this way (even if it means screaming THIS SUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKSSS!!!) everyone will feel a bit better about the state of our world and ourselves.