Apr 28, 2023 10:00 PM - Apr 29, 2023 03:00 AM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : Refund available within 1 day of purchase
Bollywood Affairs: Bollywood Night on April 28th @ Believe Hall ATLANTA
Address: 181 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard Atlanta GA 30310
@ Believe Music Hall Atlanta
Get ready for this year’s biggest Bollywood Affair party in Atlanta.
Believe Music Hall Atlanta - An Acoustically mastered music hall filled with a spectacle of lights lasers special effect #1 sound system in the world d&b Audio Technik and “The Wall” Atlanta’s largest LED Wall.
For More Details on this event follow us on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bihevents/
18+ Event
Need to be 21+ for drinks and Tables
Please bring a valid form of ID.
VALID FORM OF ID : State issued ID/Driver License or Passport. NO other forms of identification will be accepted! Photocopies or pictures of your IDs on your phone will NOT be accepted.
Book your tickets early to snag a discount. Available until April 9th at midnight.
After April 9th at midnight the early bird discount goes away.
Buy online to save. Tickets at the door are $50. Cash preferred.
No large group of males. Mixed group only.
VIP TABLE (4-6 People - Bottle Service Required): $140
- Fast Entry
- Guaranteed Table Seating
- Cover for up to 6 People
- A VIP Area Server
- Mixers for Drinks
Note: The $140 fee is to RESERVE the VIP table ONLY. Once seated at the table bottle service is REQUIRED (priced per choice of bottle). Call +1(605) 933-9873 to choose your bottle.
Bottle Service Required. Min spend and Table pricing vary based on Table Location. Once you register for a table we will reach out to with more details
Call 6059339873 for more details
Call: +1(605) 933 - 9873
Email: info@bihevnets.com
Follow us on Instagram (@bihevents)
Terms & Conditions: This is a public event which will be recorded. You may appear in pictures/video recordings. We reserve rights to use this media anywhere without seeking your prior permissions. ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR is UNACCEPTABLE. Club & Management reserves the right to remove any guest from the venue. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Guests must not under any circumstances touch or talk to any of the staff servers performers or other patrons in an inappropriate manner. Management retains absolute discretion to decide what is ‘inappropriate’. Kindly Abide by the dress code. No shorts athletic wear flip flops or tank tops are permitted. Final admittance is at the discretion of the door host and Management. No Large Groups Of Males - Mixed Groups Only !!Strictly No refunds. Tickets are non-refundable !!All ticket prices above are subject to change dynamically based on demand and availability!!