May 27, 2023 12:00 PM - May 27, 2023 05:00 PM
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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : Refund available within 1 day of purchase
Durham's Biggest Festival Of Colors - HOLI
Durham's Biggest Festival Of Colors - HOLI on 27th May In Oshawa Ontario Canada
✅ Outdoor Event
✅ Music by Wellknown Dj's
✅ Dance
✅ Food
✅ Authentic Retail Stores
✅ Dance Performance
✅ Vibrant Plant Based Colors
✅ Live Dhol Performance
✅ Inflatables for Kids- Activity
✅ 360 Degree Photography
Festival of colors will be celebrated every year to promote Diversity and Inclusion of our community at outdoor facility right next to the lake. Local businesses will have an opportunity to present their business and offerings to local community.
Everyone is Welcomed to join us and play with Vibrant Colors. 5 shades of colors will be available.Natural Colors are plant based made from corn startch and food colors.
Kids 10 and under are FREE. Spend quality time Durham family at outdoor event and create memories.
*No Outside colors / food are allowed.
**Ticket holders assumes that all the risk incidental to participation in all activities, loss or damage to property will release management and its employees and agents against any claims. Mela events is not responsible for any inury or loss that happened in the event.
In purchasing this ticket and in consideration for being admitted to the Event the holder consents to being recorded (by audio visual and/or other means) for promotional activities. Tickets are non refundable in any circumstances. All the data collected through out the event might be shared with sponsors.
We reserve the right to deny entry or remove from the Event facilities any person who in our sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which we reasonably consider to be disruptive of the Event.
Join us and Enjoy the Festival of Colors ✨