Budo Canada,38C,Apex Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 40.00 - 450.00 Buy Tickets
Budo Canada,38C,Apex Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 35.00 - 350.00 Buy Tickets
Budo Canada,38C,Apex Road,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
$ 40.00 - 95.00 Buy Tickets
Jun 11, 2022 07:00 PM - Jun 11, 2022 11:45 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
You are invited to “Spirit of the Warrior V: Women Reign” on Saturday, June 11th at Budo Canada. This club competition will feature 12 amateur Olympic-Style bouts sanctioned by Boxing Ontario. This is an all-female card!! Come support Ontario's female athletes!!
Weigh-ins 6PM / Doors Open to Public 7PM / Bouts Start at 8PM SHARP
General Admission Tickets: $25 ($30 at the door)
Ringside VIP Table (Seats 8): $400 (Includes food and one alcoholic beverage per person)
Food, drinks, and music! Come enjoy the evening with us and support your local talent.