Feb 14, 2025 07:00 PM - Feb 14, 2025 11:00 PM
No tickets available for purchase now.
* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.
Refund Policy : No refund at anytime
Come indulge yourself in our hypnotizing menu while listening to the songbirds (Kevin and Jodi) nestled in their nest. Sip the night away to your favourite romantic music with our seductive DJ who can't wait to mesmerize your nostalgic musical appetite. So get your tickets now and join us for this magical evening of Love, Dance and Laughter - Be There!
Follow us @tenpitchmusicproduction
#ticketgateway #thebirdsnest #tenpitchmusicproduction #summithotel #jamaica #valentinesday #2025 #event #food #drinks # theultimatedinnerandcabaretshow #kingston