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Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser)

Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser)

Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser) Oct 29, 2021 08:00 PM - Oct 29, 2021 10:00 PM


Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser) By

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Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser)

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* Tickets amount and categories may not be always available when tickets go on sell, this is solely for the purpose to notify you when tickets become available.

Refund Policy : No refund at anytime

Alexander Park Football COMEDY SHOW (Fundraiser) Description

Our purpose in terms of youth sports is as much about teaching sustainable life lessons as it is about winning games. 

ALEXANDER PARK FOOTBALL is raising funds to continue developing youth football, and keeping children active. 

Our coaches & staff instill valuable lessons about responsibility, respect, self-discipline, accountability, and teamwork. And we need your help! 

On Friday October 29th, the Alexander Park organization will be hosting a FUNDRAISER COMEDY SHOW. Each seats are $40 and includes a meal.


Notre objectif en termes de sports pour les jeunes est autant d'enseigner des leçons de vie durables que de gagner des matchs. 

ALEXANDER PARK FOOTBALL collecte des fonds afin de continuer de développer le football aupres des jeunes de notre communauté et de garder ces enfants actifs. 

Nos entraîneurs et notre personnel inculquent de précieuses leçons sur la responsabilité, le respect, l'autodiscipline, la responsabilité et le travail d'équipe. Et nous avons besoin de votre aide! 

Le vendredi 29 Octobre, l'organisation Alexander Park sera l'hôte d'un SPECTACLE HUMOUR / LEVÉE DE FONDS. Le cout est de $40 et le tout comprend un repas.

Info & Donations 514.836.8029
