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Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry

Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry

Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry May 30, 2020 05:00 PM - May 30, 2020 08:00 PM


Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry By
Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry Virtual event

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Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry

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Arrival D Concert - Gi Beharry Description

A top cast of local singers will be featured as Arrival D Concert is streamed 'live' via Facebook and Youtube. Our CSM2020, GI Beharry, will be featured with Satnarine Ragoo, Veejai Ramkissoon, Rooplal Girdharie, Savita Singh, Reshma Silk Ramlal, Anuradha Hansraj and Rakesh Yankaran. The 'lIve' stream will be 'Free'. The show will be hosted by Zaheer Khan-BigRich, and you can expect a couple of surprise guests appearances during the show. Arrival - A Concert to raise funds for those artistes hardest hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic shutdown. Support the Cause, Pledge today to preserve our culture for tomorrow!
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