Caribbean Day Culture Fest Toronto

Caribbean Day Culture Fest Toronto Jun 14, 2025 10:00 PM - Jun 15, 2025 03:00 AM

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Timezone (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada), New York, Bogota, Lima

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Caribbean Day Culture Fest Toronto Description



SATURDAY 14th June 2025

SUNDAY 15th June 2025


Enjoy Caribbean Outdoor Festival

Island Cuisine and treats from several Islands. Local Vendors & Food Trucks.


KIDS ZONE Treasure Hunts, Games, Fun Activities, Face Painting and Bouncy Castles.

Live Djs and performances from local acts. 

Island Girl Fashion Model Contest. Cash Prize and Caribbean Day Culture Fest Crown.


Tel: 647 289 9645 

Calling Friends & Family from the following Islands. Join us in celebrating our Culture and Heritage. * St. Lucia * Antigua & Barbuda * Barbados * Belize * St. Kitts & Nevis* St. Vincent * Jamaica * Trinidad & Tobago * Guyana * The Bahamas * Dominican Repuvlic * Dominica * Haiti * Cuba * Puerto Rico * Turks & Caicos Islands * Curcao * Cayman Island * Grenada * US Virgin Islands * Guadeloupe * Martinique *

