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Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results

Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results

Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results Dec 28, 2021 02:10 AM - Jun 29, 2023 06:30 AM


Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results By

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Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results

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Pair your NVIDIA RTX 3080 with one of this greatest CPUs for best results Description

RTX 3080 is one of the most amazing graphic cards designed so far. If you are willing to play games with more than 60Fps and 4k resolution this graphic cad can be your best choice. when it comes to gamers who want to have a GPU that allows them to play and check the speed of 1444Hz with 1440P resolution you can have nothing better than RTX 3080.

This GPU generation is 80 percent faster than its previous generation RTX 2080 and 15% faster than its counter products. This GPU is a higher speed and high refresh rate this will create a high load on your power supply system than any other graphic card. As compared to its previous generation it consumes 100 to 50 watts more than its previous versions.

The most amazing feature that is present in RTX 3080 is its high performance even at a high load. Fans are mounted on top bottom and rear; all the fans play their role efficiently and quietly. This graphic cad works more than 79 degrees Celsius without any little glitch in its speed and resolution. NIVIDA RTX 3080 has no delay rate that is common when you turn on the computer and move the cursor on the screen. Features of RTX 080 are not only limited to these but it also has many features like voice cancelation and many screen adjustable features.

You can easily blur the background, record you're on-screen activity, background replacement with beautiful and shiny pictures. The most thrilling feature of this RTX 3080 is movement controlled by the head tracking effect. Ordinary CPUs are not enough for this thrilling GPU, the best CPU for RTX 3080 must be paired with this graphic card.

  • CPU clock speed

Clock speed is the number of cycles a CPU can perform within a second, normally termed as frequency. Different CPU is available with different clock speed but modern CPUs have clock speed to handle different task at the same time. As modern gaming requires billion of cycles per second so their frequency is measured in gaga Hertz (GHz).

In short, a CPU with greater clock speed is more efficient and can handle multi-tasking work more efficiently and in less time.

  • Overlocking

Overlocking is the most common experience in modern times in which you increase the operating frequency of a PC.  Overlocking operation is very easy and you can draw maximum performance for the card with this feature.

Overlocking is not possible in all CPUs so always look for a model with the possibility of overlocking. Certain additional things have to consider while overlocking most important is the cooling phenomenon. More power will enter to PC as a result of this more will be heating so an additional fan is essential for temperate control.


  • Boost clock frequency

Boosting frequency is a new but most demanding feature for gaming CPUs especially when you have RTX 308. This feature is related to increasing the operating power of the CPU whenever it is required without any usage of extra cores and threads.

The base clock frequency is the normal speed during casual operation, but whenever you open more than one task at the same time you need some boosting. This boost clock frequency will be helpful for you and you can perform multi-task with the same efficiency as doing one single task.

  • Cache size

Cache size is a type of system memory just like hard drives and RAM and is vital for CPU better performance.  This memory helps in accessing data more easily between RAM and processor. When data is exchanged few of it is stored in the cache and stored for quick usage. This size is small in old CPU, for gamers and professional large cache sized CPU is more preferable over other with small cache size.