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Devi Mandir - Donation

Devi Mandir - Donation

Devi Mandir - Donation May 10, 2017 11:00 AM - Dec 31, 2020 12:00 AM


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Devi Mandir - Donation

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Devi Mandir - Donation Description

Devi Mandir is celebrating its accomplishments of the past 30 years. Although the organization was founded in 1988, Devi Mandir moved into its new temple in 1997. Since our congregation grew and our programs grew we felt we needed to move into a bigger facility, Devi Mandir is dedicated to serving the Greater Toronto Area’s Hindu population. Its vision is to preserve Hindu traditions and cultures for future generations. The mission is to fulfill the spiritual and cultural needs of the community, through worship, religious discourses and cultural and community programs. But it prides itself on being more than a place of worship, and over the past 10
30 years, Devi Mandir has accomplished a number of achievements.

“Since we moved in there (2590 Brock Rd. in Pickering) a lot has happened, and we thought it was a great idea to celebrate our achievements, celebrate our youth, celebrate our community outreach with all of our community partners present.”

Devi Mandir works closely with a number of partners. For example, the Durham Regional Police Service makes it mandatory for new recruits to attend sessions at Devi Mandir for religious and cultural awareness training before they graduate. DRPS presented Devi Mandir with a plaque for its support in the recruitment process. The work the youth – DM Youth – have done. They have done a lot of work out there, They have networked with kids from other communities, and they have formed relationships. They do it so well that in 2005 they won the civic award for cultural diversity from the City of Pickering. Devi Mandir was also a recipient of a 2006 City of Pickering Civic Award in Environmental Stewardship for environmental contributions such as educating people on reducing greenhouse gases through the Greening of Sacred Spaces program, and installing solar panels in the parking lot, it was mostly a youth initiative.We is also proud of hosting a multi-faith event that raised funds for OHAfrica, an organization that funds an AIDS clinic in Lesotho, Africa. It raised nearly $10,000 and all the money went directly to the organization.


Devi Mandir - Donation Location

Devi Mandir - Donation Gallery Photos