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Morat - A Band | Tickets

Organizer Events

Morat - A Band | Tickets

Morat - A Band | Tickets Jun 10, 2023 08:00 PM - Jun 10, 2023 11:30 PM

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Morat - A Band | Tickets

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Morat - A Band | Tickets Description

Get tickets for Morat - A Band | Tickets

Experience an extraordinary night of spiritual awakening and musical bliss as the internationally acclaimed duo, Deva Premal & Miten, grace the stage at the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto.
Immerse yourself in the ethereal world of sacred chants and heart-opening melodies as Morat angelic voice effortlessly weaves ancient mantras with contemporary soundscapes, accompanied by Miten's soulful guitar and harmonies.
This captivating performance will transport you to a realm of deep serenity and inner peace, as their enchanting music resonates with your soul and awakens a sense of profound connection.
Be prepared to embark on a transformative journey, where timeless wisdom meets divine harmony, in the breathtaking setting of the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Let the captivating energy of Morat - A Band music embrace you, as you surrender to the power of their extraordinary live performance.