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Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre

Organizer Events

Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre

Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre Feb 13, 2020 11:00 AM - Feb 23, 2020 06:00 PM


Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre By

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Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre

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Silent Sky Washington 2020 | Ford's Theatre Description

A decade before women gained the right to vote, Henrietta Leavitt and her fellow women “computers” transformed the science of astronomy. In the Harvard Observatory, Leavitt found 2,400 new variable stars and made important discoveries about their fluctuating brightness, enabling fellow scientists to map the Milky Way and beyond. This inspiring drama explores the determination, passion and sacrifice of the women who redefined our understanding of the cosmos.