Event Ended

Singles Mingle

Singles Mingle

Singles Mingle May 15, 2022 02:00 PM - May 15, 2022 09:00 PM


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Singles Mingle

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Refund Policy : Refund available until 2 day before the event

Singles Mingle Description

 Singles Mingle 
Join us on May 15
For the Ultimate Urban Speed Dating Experience!

Toronto is a SMALL CITY! Well, that's what we think! Because most of us have this preconceived notation, of one another, we automatically judge each other. We have the ones who know everyone or know someone who knows someone, that tends to put a damper on the dating scene. Well, have no fear, Singles Mingle is here! This new fun and safe space is the perfect social networking event the urban community needed. You will get to meet other singles, who just like you aren't having much luck in meeting the traditional way. With soft music and a candle lit room, it might just set the mood. You never know, you might just meet that perfect someone!

Don't forget to stay tuned  in to the Instagram Page @singles_mingle416 for the weekly updates on the raffles prizes as well as host and other complimentary items.