How to fundraise and collect donations with TicketGateway ?

TicketGateway provides the tools you need to collect donations and fundraise for the causes you love. It is easy to collect donations online or on-site using TicketGateway. You can even integrate your event with one of our Spectrum apps to launch online fundraisers, help engage donors, and more.

To create donation tickets follow steps :

  • In the “Add ticket” section you need to select “Donation Ticket”.
  • Give a name to the ticket.
  • Select the quantity: You can set a fixed amount and an open amount.

Open Amount

Donation tickets let ticket buyers decide how much they would like to donate or pay, and it is a great way to go if prices are on a sliding-scale. You can even add a ticket description to include a suggested minimum donation amount and promote the organization you are fundraising for.

After the setup is complete you can make your event live. Learn more here: create event